
We continuously expand and improve the typefaces. You can have a look here on whether you use the recent version.
In case there is something new, you can simply request an update:

Version 1.05/06, May 2024

  • ABeZeh Slab TTF/WEB folder: erase double naming

Version 1.04, March 2024

  • Added software guide info: Which typefaces are supported in which program? (Open Type Features, Color Fonts)

Version 1.03, February 2024

  • ABeZeh Box: troubleshooting MS Word issue letter e (Regular/Medium)

Version 1.02, November 2023

  • Info pdf: Installation
  • Info pdf: Overview of all typefaces/fonts

Version 1.01, October 2023

  • Added info pdfs on how to use features of the following typefaces: ABeZeh Box, ABeZeh Linie, ABeZeh Hokuspokus and syllable function of ABeZeh
  • Added ABeZeh METACOM with its own terms of use
  • ABeZeh with syllable connectors works in English now (s=stressed, u=unstressed, 1.5 valid)

Version 1.0, April 2023

  • We moved from (until now: “EDU-Box”) to the new portal
  • All users will be informed in the coming weeks
  • New typefaces: ABeZeh BlueRed, ABeZeh METACOM
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